Vue.js Best Practices: The Basics

Vue.js Best Practices: The Basics

With the rise of Vue.js, many developers are looking for best practices to help them get the most out of this amazing technology. This post outlines my favorite tips and tricks that I've used over the past few years building Vue apps.

Avoid templates.

You should avoid using templates (that is, HTML files) in your Vue components.

Instead, you should use the render function to create a template:

  • Single File Components are ideal for creating reusable components because they only consist of JavaScript code and no view markup. This makes them easier to test and reason about since you don’t need to deal with any markup details. You can also easily import them in other parts of your application without worrying about naming conflicts or unexpected side effects from mixing view logic with component logic.

However, if you want to provide support for older browsers that do not support ES6 modules or have trouble parsing TypeScript definitions files, then a single file might be more appropriate for publishing your component library online (a good example here is react-dom/server).

Enforce one-way data flow from parent to child.

  • Use props instead of data.

  • Props are immutable and passed down from parent to child

  • Props are one-way data flow from parent to child and not used in the component itself or its template

Use Vuex for state management.

If you’re just getting started with Vue, you might want to use a tool like Vuex for state management. This can be a great choice since it helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server and native) and are easy to test.

Vuex also serves as a centralized store for all the components in an application.

Use Vuex for data caching.

  • Use Vuex for shared data.

  • Use Vuex for data caching.

  • Data caching can be used to improve performance by storing the result of an expensive operation and reusing it on subsequent renders, instead of performing the operation again.

Improve the performance of your Vue apps by removing unnecessary rerenders.

There are a number of ways in which you can improve the performance of your Vue app.

  • avoid rerenders. By using this lifecycle hook, you can prevent unnecessary and expensive rerenders by checking if the data has changed and only updating if it has. This is a great way to optimize for performance when dealing with large amounts of data or interactions (e.g., animations) that trigger multiple DOM updates per second.

  • Use Vuex for data caching and state management. One particularly useful feature of Vuex is its ability to provide an interface for handling asynchronous changes in state within a centralized singleton object; this centralization makes it easy for other parts of your application—like components—to access that same state without having to write extra code themselves!

Doing these things will make your life with Vue better

Skill up: The best way to get the most out of Vue is by learning how to code with it. Learning all the ins and outs, from syntax to libraries, will make you a more efficient developer as well as help you find bugs in your code.

Develop your skills: You don't need years of experience; instead, focus on building a portfolio that showcases what you can do for employers. Include personal projects on GitHub and write about them on Medium or other publishing platforms so that potential employers can see what kind of work interests you most. This type of activity shows that you're passionate about coding and willing to go above and beyond what's asked of each employee at every level in a company's hierarchy.

Get good at communicating: There are so many tools out there today that allow us online workers access information quickly—but we must always remember how valuable human interaction can be when it comes down to communicating effectively with others! If possible during these sessions consider using tools like Zoom or Google Hangouts so everyone involved can communicate clearly without having any technical issues interrupting their trainings/conversations."


Now that we’ve covered the most important best practices for working with Vue, let’s recap. The most important thing you can do is keep your components as lightweight and focused as possible, while still giving them access to everything they need. That means using one-way data binding (unless it makes sense not to), avoiding templates and keeping templates simple enough that they don’t get out of hand. It also means using Vuex for state management and data caching when appropriate, which will make your app more predictable and easier to test than if you were doing everything manually. And finally it means improving performance by removing unnecessary rerenders wherever possible; because these are so easy in Vue compared with other frameworks, there really isn’t any excuse!