Frontend Mistakes to Avoid

Frontend Mistakes to Avoid

When you're developing a website, there are plenty of things to keep track of. And when you're working with frontend code, you need to keep even more in mind. The key is avoiding common mistakes while you're coding. You don't want your users to have a bad experience or your site not to perform well because of something you did (or didn't do) during development! In this article, we'll look at 10 common frontend mistakes that will prevent you from making them yourself

Using avoidable frameworks.

While frameworks are great for specific types of projects, they can also be overused. When you're building something that needs to be responsive, for example, it might not make sense to use a framework like Bootstrap just because it's popular and easy to use. You should always weigh the pros and cons of using a framework before deciding whether or not it's right for your project.

Keep in mind that many times when frameworks are used on projects where they don't belong, this is due to developers who don't know any better (or have time constraints). If you're using a framework because others have recommended it, try looking at its source code first before making your decision—that will help you decide whether or not it makes sense for your project. On top of that, try asking yourself: am I using this because everyone else is? Is there anything wrong with choosing my own path?

Not making a plan before you start coding.

A good plan is one that can be easily referred to throughout the project and will ensure that you’re on track. A bad plan might be to start coding without any idea of what you want your final product to look like.

The most important thing about a plan is that it needs to be realistic: if your client wants something impossible, say no! The second most important thing about a plan is that it should not change in mid-development. This can cause problems for both yourself and the client when things don’t go exactly as planned because changes are usually time-consuming, expensive and stressful for everyone involved

Having no testing strategy.

Testing is critical for a modern website, but it's equally important to have a plan for what kind of tests you'll be running and when. A good testing strategy will include both automated and manual tests, with the former consisting of things like unit tests that are run during development and the latter being more involved processes like user testing or usability studies. One way to start creating your own testing strategy is by looking at what other companies with similar goals are doing; these strategies can be found online or talked about at conferences (there was an excellent conference on frontend engineering this year).

Forgetting that you are building for a user.

Users are the reason you are building the site in the first place, so it's important that they're at the center of your design process. You need to understand their needs and expectations, as well as their goals when using your site. They should be able to easily and intuitively interact with all parts of your interface (including things like buttons, dropdown menus and form fields) so that they can complete tasks quickly without getting frustrated or distracted by confusing elements on the page.

Writing unnecessary code that slows down the browser.

  • Use a linter. Linters are tools that analyze your code automatically and report on potential issues before they become bugs in production. They're great if you want to enforce best practices without having to manually check each file every time you make a change.

  • Use CSS preprocessors like Sass or LESS (we prefer Sass). These add features like variables, functions, loops and other neat things so that writing stylesheets becomes less repetitive and more fun! The biggest benefit is that they take care of vendor prefixes for us which has saved us hours of debugging time over the years by making sure everything works as expected across browsers instead of only working on Chrome/Safari/IE11 etc...

Forgetting about design and content until later on in the development process.

  • Design

Design is not just about the visual look and feel. It’s about how it works for users. Think about the user experience: How do people navigate around your site? Is it intuitive? Can they find what they’re looking for easily? Does the site load quickly enough on mobile and tablets? Does it work well with other technologies (like JavaScript or Adobe Flash)?

  • Content

It’s important to consider content from the start of any project, so you can make sure your website is able to perform well in search engines and read by all visitors, regardless of ability or device used.

Ignoring feedback from other developers and designers.

The best way to prevent mistakes is to get feedback. You can ask a friend who knows frontend coding (or any programming) and they may give you some suggestions that will help you avoid making the same mistake again in your next project. If there is no one in your immediate circle who can help, try asking on Stack Overflow or Reddit for advice from more experienced coders.

Don't be afraid to ask for advice from other developers and designers—you're not being rude by asking someone if they have time for a quick question! It's okay if it takes them several days or weeks before they reply, as long as they do eventually get back with their thoughts on how the code could be made better or what would work best for this particular project

There are some common mistakes that frontend coders make, so take care not to make them yourself!

  • Understand the purpose of the framework you are using. Frameworks aren't meant to be used as a crutch, but rather to help you build on your own. If you do not understand how the framework works and what its limitations are, it will make it hard for you later on when things get more complicated and come up with bugs that are tough to find.

  • Understand the purpose of the language or technology you're working with. This can be just as important as understanding your framework! If you don't know what's happening under-the-hood, this will make debugging much harder in the future (and might lead to pulling out some hair).

  • Understand how testing is being done in general, whether it be unit tests or integration tests or performance tests or acceptance tests (or all three!). Each one serves a different purpose and therefore requires different levels of skillets from developers who implement them - so if these types of technologies aren't something familiar yet... no problem! But at least try learning about them first before jumping into using them blindly without knowing their strengths/weaknesses - because doing so could cause problems down line when trying to fix certain issues without having any idea where they may have originated from originally."


We hope that the advice offered in this article will help you avoid some of the common mistakes that frontend coders make.